
Our ministries are an important and integral part of our church community. Whether you are a student, single or married there is a ministry designed for you. Please read about our ministries and consider becoming an active member of our community of faith.

Community Care Ministry

Through our Community Care Ministry we are heavily involved with families and individuals through schools and sporting associations.  In becoming an active part of our community we discover and assist with physical and spiritual needs of our community.  We also work with There’s Hope for the Hungry to provide food for those in need on the third Tuesday of every month.

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry at Emmaus is one of encouragement and celebration.  Through a wide diversity of musical styles we seek to lead each individual to know and experience Christ in worship.

Student Ministry

At Emmaus,  we consider youth to be VIP’s!  Our youth meet each week for Connections, Sunday Night Worship, and Wednesday Worship.   There is always some activity, special meeting , or emphasis going on among our students.

Children’s Ministry

One visit to Emmaus and you’ll see that children are a major part of the Emmaus family.  Through Sunday School and the Wednesday Olympians our children are actively learning through classes, activities, and outings!

Preschool Ministry

The little guys are never forgotten at Emmaus.   Every age can be loved and taught through a variety of methods.  We believe when we minister to preschoolers we are ministering to the parents as well. Our preschool meets for what we call “Gopher Buddies” on Wednesday nights.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our ministries or would like to know about other opportunities to serve our community that may not be listed here.